HP Forest Guard Question Paper:- Here we have provided you the previous year question paper of HP Forest Guard exam held on 7 November 2021. This previous year question paper of HP Forest Guard will help you in your preparation and will give you an idea about the topics from which questions are being asked in HP Forest Guard Exam.
Total number of question asked in HP Forest Guard Exam 2021 were 85. Each question was of 1 marks and no negative marking was there in HP Forest Guard Exam 2021. Duration of HP Forest Guard exam was 75 minutes. So give yourself 75 minutes to solve this HP Forest Guard Question Paper.
HP Forest Guard Question Paper:- 2021
Fill in the blanks with correct option
1.) Complete the sentence:
A burnt child ……………..
A.) dreads the burns
B.) dreads the fire
C.) dares the fire
D.) scares the fire
2.) Change the narration:- She said to me, “The earth is round”.
A.) She asked me that the earth was round
B.) She said that the earth is round
C.) She tells me that earth is round
D.) She told me that the earth is round
3.) Change the Voice: “Let a lie never be told”
A.) One should never tell a lie
B.) None should tell a lie
C.) Don’t tell a lie.
D.) Never tell a lie.
4.) The young one of ‘Cat’ is called?
A.) Baby cat
B.) Pup
C.) Kitten
D.) None of these
5.) Either of these path …………… to the temple
A.) lead
B.) leads
C.) leading
D.) have led
6.) They …………… her since she was a child
A.) have known
B.) were knowing
C.) know
D.) are knowing
7.) Don’t dwell ……………. what has passed away!
A.) on
B.) into
C.) at
D.) for
8.) The collective noun for owls is ………………..
A.) pack
B.) school
C.) swarn
D.) parliament
9.) Walk fast lest you …………….. miss the train.
A.) would
B.) should
C.) could
D.) can
10.) We ………….. to help the poor.
A.) need
B.) dare
C.) ought
D.) shall
11.) In the sentence, ‘I have lost my book’. The word ‘have’ is
A.) Principal Verb
B.) Auxiliary Verb
C.) Transitive Verb
D.) None of these
12.) The correct saying is:
A.) Greed is a curse
B.) A greed is a curse
C.) The greed is a curse
D.) None of these
13.) Re-arrange the following jumbled words and choose the correct one: age/an/this/mobile/of/phones/is
A.) An age of mobile phone is this
B.) This is an age of mobile phones
C.) This an age is of mobile phones
D.) Mobile phone is an age of this
14.) Which one is not correct?
A.) My friends do not smoke
B.) He is reading a book
C.) Ram has gone to Shimla
D.) A lot of money are wasted on the project
15.) What is the comparative degree of “Busy”?
A.) Busiest
B.) Busier
C.) More Busy
D.) Most Busy
16.) लिखने की रीती को क्या कहते हैं?
ए.) लिखावट
बी.) सुलेख
सी.) श्रुतिलेख
डी.) वर्तनी
17.) ‘हर पंद्रह दिन बाद होने वाला’ वाक्यांश के लिए सही शब्द कौन सा है?
ए.) साप्ताहिक
बी.) वार्षिक
सी.) मासिक
डी.) पाक्षिक
19.) हिंदी वर्णमाला में स्वरों की कुल संख्या कितनी है ?
ए.) 33
बी.) 13
सी.) 44
डी.) 11
20.) ‘देवालय’ शब्द में कौन सी संधि है ?
ए.) गुण संधि
बी.) यण संधि
सी.) दीर्घ संधि
डी.) उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं
21.) अकर्मक और सकर्मक किसके दो भेद हैं?
ए.) संज्ञा
बी.) क्रिया
सी.) सर्वनाम
डी.) विशेषण
22.) फल के रूप में ‘आम’ शब्द किस प्रकार का शब्द है ?
ए.) तत्सम
बी.) तद्भव
सी.) देशज
डी.) विदेशी
23.) जिस वाक्य में दो या अधिक मुख्य या स्वतंत्र उपवाक्य हों, उसे क्या कहते हैं?
ए.) संयुक्त वाक्य
बी.) सरल वाक्य
सी.) मिश्र वाक्य
डी.) उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं
24.) ‘अनुराग’ शब्द का विलोम क्या होता है ?
ए.) प्रेम
बी.) विराग
सी.) पराग
डी.) उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं
25.) निम्नलिखित में से शुद्ध रूप कौन सा है?
ए.) अनुग्रहीत
बी.) अनुगृहीत
सी.) अनुग्रहित
डी.) अनुगृहित
26.) ‘बादल’ शब्द का पर्यायवाची है:
ए.) जलज
बी.) नीरज
सी.) जलद
डी.) पुष्कर
27.) ‘व’ का उच्चारण स्थान क्या है?
ए.) कण्ठ
बी.) ओष्ठ
सी.) दन्तोष्ठ
डी.) मूर्धा
28.) हिंदी भाषा किस लिपि में लिखी जाती है?
ए.) ब्राह्मी
बी.) संस्कृत
सी.) देवनागरी
डी.) भारती
29.) रामचरितमानस की भाषा कौन सी है ?
ए.) अवधी
बी.) ब्रज भाषा
सी.) खड़ी बोली
डी.) संस्कृत
30.) ‘तूती बोलना’ मुहावरे का सही अर्थ बताएँ:
ए.) बाजा बजना
बी.) प्रभाव होना
सी.) बेकार होना
डी.) डर जाना
31.) What does our body produce to fight the invader when a disease carrying microbes enter the body?
A.) Antibiotics
B.) Antigens
C.) Pathogens
D.) Antibodies
32.) Which of the following is responsible for marble cancer?
A.) Acid rain
C.) Ozone
D.) Oxygen
33.) Lightning conductor is a device used to protect …………… ?
A.) Building from the effect of lightning
B.) Building from the effect of earth quake
C.) Building from heavy rain
D.) Structure from heavy wind
34.) In human body the blood glucose level is controlled by …………… hormone
A.) Glucogen
B.) Insulin
C.) Adrenalin
D.) Thyroxin
35.) Rhizobium bacteria found in root nodules of leguminous plants is an …………
A.) Atmospheric carbon fixer
B.) Atmospheric oxygen fixer
C.) Atmospheric nitrogen fixer
D.) All of the above
36.) Which of the following non metal is good conductor of electricity?
A.) Coal
B.) Graphite
C.) Sulphur
D.) Phosphorus
37.) In which of the following categories Adam’s Apple is more prominent?
A.) Boys of any age
B.) Adolescent girls
C.) Girls of any age
D.) Adolescent boys
38.) What is the chemical name of dry ice ?
A.) Duralium
B.) Calcium Sulphate
C.) Solid Carbon Dioxide
D.) Silver Nitrate
39.) Name the pandemic which has affected people all over the world during 2020-21
B.) Delta
C.) COVID-19
D.) Wuhan
40.) Which of the following acid is present in gastric juice of human body?
A.) Acitic Acid
B.) Nitric Acid
C.) Hydrochloric Acid
D.) Sulphuric Acid
41.) Some of the organism are sensitive to different levels of air pollution and are used as pollution indicator. Select which among the following fits into this category:
A.) Fungi
B.) Fresh water algae
C.) Bacteria
D.) Lichens
42.) Which of the following metal is stored in kerosene oil due to its high reactivity with air and water:
A.) Sodium
B.) Zinc
C.) Calcium
D.) Magnesium
43.) In which of the following area role of bacteria is not present?
A.) Leather Industry
B.) Apiculture Industry
C.) Alcohol and Vinegar Industry
D.) Tobacco & Tea Industry
44.) An electric heater has a wattage of 1500 W. How much electric energy does it consume in 10 hours ?
A.) 15 kWh
B.) 150 W
C.) 15000 W
D.) Data is insufficient
45.) If a person is not able to see far off objects, then from which of the following he or she is suffering ?
A.) Presbyopia
B.) Hypermetropia
C.) Myopia
D.) Astigmatism
46.) Which one of the following is laughing gas?
A.) NO2 + CO2
B.) N2O5
C.) N2O
D.) NO2
47.) ‘Widal Test’ is used to diagnose which disease ?
A.) Typhoid
B.) Malaria
D.) Cancer
48.) On what principal does stethoscope work?
A.) Refraction of sound
B.) Reflection of sound
C.) Speed of Sound
D.) Intensity of Sound
49.) Which colour of light deviates least while passing through a glass prism ?
A.) Red
B.) Blue
C.) Green
D.) Violet
50.) Which of the following is included in an ecosystem ?
A.) All living organisms
B.) Non living objects
C.) Some times living and some times non living objects
D.) Both living organisms and non living objects
51.) What is the probability of an impossible event?
A.) 1
B.) 0
C.) -1
D.) -2
52.) Which of the following is an irrational number?
A.) 3
B.) 3/7
C.) 1/3
D.) π
53.) Which one of the following is the formula for estimation of volume of a sphere?
A.) 2/3πr3
B.) 4/3πr3
C.) 1/3πr3
D.) πr3
54.) The two trees standing erect on a plane surface having height of 6 and 11m, respectively. If the distance between the bottoms of both the trees is 12m, then what is the distance between the top tip of the stem of these two trees:
A.) 17 m
B.) 13 m
C.) 6 m
D.) 18 m
55.) A student multiplied a number by 3/5 instead of 5/3. What is the percentage error in the calculation?
A.) 4%
B.) 8%
C.) 16%
D.) 64%
56.) What is decimal expansion of 17/8?
A.) Terminating
B.) Non-terminating
C.) Recurring
D.) Non-terminating recurring
57.) An angle which is greater than 1800 and less than 3600 is ……….
A.) Complimentary angle
B.) Reflex angle
C.) Straight angle
D.) Supplementary angle
58.) Find the missing number in a given table :
6 | 9 | 15 |
8 | 12 | 20 |
4 | 6 | ? |
A.) 15
B.) 21
C.) 10
D.) 5
59.) A man walks 1 km to east and then he turns to south and walks 5 km. After that he turns to East and walks 2 km. After this he turns to north and walks 9 km. Find out how far is he from his starting point?
A.) 3 km
B.) 5 km
C.) 4 km
D.) 7 km
60.) The total of the ages of Raju, Amar and Satish is 80 years. What was the the total of their ages 3 years ago?
A.) 71 years
B.) 72 years
C.) 74 years
D.) 77 years
61.) A person crosses a 2oo m long road in 2 minutes. What is his speed in km per hours ?
A.) 3
B.) 6
C.) 9
D.) 12
62.) In a mixture of 60 litres the ratio of milk and water is 2:1. If the ration of the mixture of milk and water is to be made 1:2 then find out the quantity of water to be further added ?
A.) 20 litres
B.) 30 litres
C.) 40 litres
D.) 60 litres
63.) How many bags of grains can be stored in a cuboid granary of 12 m x 6 m x 5 m. If each bag occupies a space of 0.48m3 ?
A.) 75
B.) 750
C.) 1500
D.) 375
64.) If two dice are thrown simultaneously. The probability of getting a sum of 9 is:-
A.) 1/10
B.) 3/10
C.) 1/9
C.) 4/9
65.) If mode and mean of a set of numbers are 8 and 9, respectively then the value of median will be :
A.) 8.57
B.) 8.67
C.) 8.97
D.) 9.24
66.) The area of rhombus having d1 = 16 cm, d2 = 12 cm will be:
A.) 16 x 12 cm2
B.) 96 cm2
C.) 8 x 6 cm2
D.) 144 cm2
67.) Select the correct value of (1+Cosθ) (1-Cosθ) out of the following:
A.) Sin2θ
B.) Cos2θ
C.) Tan2θ
D.) Cot2θ
68.) What will be the value of P for polynomial x3 + 4x2 – Px + 8 if (x-2) exactly divide it:
A.) 16
B.) 3
C.) 5
D.) 0
69.) If a wooden cylinder, cone and a hemisphere are of same base and same height then the ratio of their volumes will be ?
A.) 3:1:2
B.) 3:2:1
C.) 1:2:3
D.) 1:3:2
70.) Giri and Pabbar are the tributaries of one of the following rivers:
A.) Ravi
B.) Yamuna
C.) Satluj
D.) Beas
71.) In which of the following districts the Chandra Tal lake is situated?
A.) Lahaul & Spiti
B.) Kinnaur
C.) Mandi
D.) Chamba
72.) In which of the following places the veterinary college of Himachal Pradesh is situated?
A.) Solan
B.) Palampur
C.) Shimla
D.) Bilaspur
73.) Which of the following is an artificial man made lake in Himachal Pradesh ?
A.) Nako
B.) Govind Sagar
C.) Prashar Lake
D.) Chandra Tal
74.) Who is the present Governor of Himachal Pradesh?
A.) Sh. Bandaru Dattatreya
B.) Acharya Devvrat
C.) Sh. Rajender Vishwanath Arlekar
D.) Mrs. Kiran Bedi
75.) Find out the mismatch between the following match pairs:
A.) All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Himachal Pradesh – Bilaspur
B.) World famous hankerchief (Rumal) – Chamba
C.) Choti Kashi – Mandi
D.) Alpine Pastures – Una
76.) In Una and Hamirpur district of Himachal Pradesh which of the following hills are found:
A.) Aravalli
B.) Pir Panjal
C.) Shivalik Hills
D.) Zaskar
77.) Which of the following is the state animal of Himachal Pradesh:
A.) Brown Bear
B.) Tiger
C.) Cheetah
D.) Snow Leopard
78.) Simbalbara National Park is situated in which of the following districts:
A.) Sirmour
B.) Kullu
C.) Lahaul & Spiti
D.) Shimla
79.) In which of the following places the factories for the extraction of turpentine oil from resin of pine trees are situated:
A.) Bilaspur & Hamirpur
B.) Bilaspur & Nahan
C.) Bilaspur & Jahu
D.) Bilaspur & Rajgarh
80.) In Himachal Pradesh maximum rainfall is received due to …………….
A.) South-West Monsoon
B.) Western Disturbances
C.) North-East Monsoon
D.) Winter Monsoon
81.) In Himachal Pradesh monsoon rains are received during ……….. months:
A.) June-September
B.) April-July
C.) July-October
D.) October-February
82.) Which one of the following is considered as the best fodder tree?
A.) Biul
B.) Teak
C.) Tooni
D.) Semal
83.) Which of the following is a green house gas?
A.) CO2
B.) CH4
D.) All of the above
84.) Increase in concentration of harmful gases in atmosphere which cause ailments to living organisms is called ……………
A.) Air pollution
B.) Climate Change
C.) Global Warming
D.) Ozone layer depletion
85.) Which of the following is the state tree of Himachal Pradesh?
A.) Chilgoza Pine
B.) Toona
C.) Deodar
D.) Chirpine
So this was the previous year question paper of HP Forest Guard exam of 2021. Hope you have tried to solve this paper all by yourself. Please do share your score in the comment section below and if you have any doubt feel free to ask. All the best for your preparation.
Solution of HP Forest Guard Question Paper-2021
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