HPPSC Assistant Librarian Question Paper 1 :- 2024

HPPSC Assistant Librarian Question Paper

HPPSC Assistant Librarian Question Paper 1 :- 2024

This is HPPSC Assistant Librarian Question Paper 1 – 2024 which was held on 9 May 2024. Try to solve this HPPSC Assistant Librarian Paper as a mock test. This will help you in preparation for the post of HPPSC Assistant Librarian.

HPPSC Assistant Librarian exam is consist of two paper i.e Paper 1 and Paper 2. Here we have provided you HPPSC Assistant Librarian Paper 1 which consist of 50 Questions. In paper 1 of HPPSC Assistant Librarian questions from HP GK, General Knowledge, Current Affairs of HP and India, Hindi  and English is asked.

HPPSC Assistant Librarian Paper 1 – 09 May 2024

Q.1) Consider the following about Himachal Pradesh :

i.) The Una-so-lake is in Lahaul – Spiti district

ii.) The international border starts at Parechhu in Shimla district

iii.) The earliest capital of Kullu was in Sultanpur

iv.) The founder of Bhutti Weavers Co-operative Society in Kullu district was Bed Ram Thakur

Choose the correct answer from the following :

(A)  (i) & (ii)
(B)  (ii) & (iii)
(C)  (iii) & (iv)
(D)  (iv) & (i)

Q.2) Which of the following is not the tributary of the Sutlej river ?
A.) Spiti
B.) Baspa
C.) Solang
D.) Ropa

Q.3) Among the following, which district of Himachal Pradesh has the lowest number of Tourist Guides ?
A.) Hamirpur
B.) Bilaspur
C.) Kinnaur
D.) Lahaul-Spiti

Q.4) Which district of Himachal Pradesh had the highest density of population, as per the Census-2011 ?
A.) Sirmaur
B.) Mandi
C.) Kullu
D.) Shimla

Q.5) The Indo-Norway Trout Fish Farm is in the district of Himachal Pradesh :
A.) Sirmaur
B.) Hamirpur
C.) Solan
D.) Kullu

Q.6) The overall rank of Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh in District Good Governance Index-2021 was :
A.) Fourth
B.) Sixth
C.) Fifth
D.) Third

Q.7) Identify from the following the correct percentage of unemployment rate of males and females in 2019-20, in Himachal Pradesh :

A.)4.1 percent9.7 percent
B.)6.8 percent11.5 percent
C.)3.7 percent8.3 percent
D.)7.6 percent12.4 percent

Q.8) Of the following which of the following year witnessed the lowest production of fruits in Himachal Pradesh ?
A.) 2019-20
B.) 2020-21
C.) 2021-22
D.) 2022-23

Q.9) A worker from Mandi district (Himachal Pradesh), who was trapped among other workers in the Uttrakhand tunnel recently, was named :
A.) Sohan Lal
B.) Ram Singh
C.) Waryam Krishan
D.) Vishal Kumar

Q.10) Of the following, which was the correct number of Homeopathy Dispensaries in Himachal Pradesh, in 2022-23 :
A.) 14
B.) 17
C.) 12
D.) 10

Q.11) What does the Himachal Pradesh Panchayati Raj Act, 1968 say about the Nayaya Panchayat ?
A.) It provides for its 12 members
B.) It says that at least one third of its members should be women
C.) It refers to its direct election
D.) It says that its panches should be elected by the Gram Panchayats out of its own Panches.

Q.12) Of the following, which of the following women member of State Assembly of Himachal Pradesh was appointed the Cabinet Minister, for the first time ?
A.) Asha Kumari
B.) Sarla Sharma
C.) Viplov Thakur
D.) Anita Verma

Q.13) The Hatu Mata Temple is located in which of the following district of Himachal Pradesh :
A.) Mandi
B.) Kangra
C.) Shimla
D.) Sirmaur

Q.14) In which of the following district, under the Himachal Pradesh Skills Development Project, the Technical Education Department has not launched a Drone Technician programme in Government Industrial Training Institutes, upto 2022 :
A.) Solan
B.) Hamirpur
C.) Kullu
D.) Mandi

Q.15) Of the following, sportspersons of Himachal Pradesh who is recommended for Arjuna Award-2023 ?
A.) Pooja Thakur
B.) Sonia Pathania
C.) Ritu Negi
D.) Kamlesh Rani

Q.16) Which of the following of India is not matched correctly with its State ?
A.) Lingaraja Temple – Odisha
B.) Kanheri Caves – Maharashtra
C.) Udayagiri & Khandagiri Caves – Madhya Pradesh
D.) Meenakshi Temple – Tamil Nadu

Q.17) Identify from the following States/ Union Territories of India, which had the highest Revenue Deficit in 2020-21 :
A.) Uttar Pradesh
B.) Haryana
C.) Punjab
D.) Jammu & Kashmir

Q.18) Which of the following author was quoted by Dr. Manmohan Singh, while presenting the historic Budget of India, in 1991 ?
A.) William Shakespeare
B.) Aristotle
C.) Mahatma Gandhi
D.) Victor Hugo

Q.19 ) Identify from among the following, whose nomination is in Dronacharya Lifetime Category Award – 2023 in Golf, as Coach :
A.) Coach Bhaskarnan
B.) Coach Jaskirat Singh Grewal
C.) Coach Jayanta Kumar Pushilal
D.) Coach Krishan Bahadur Pathak

Q.20) Choose from the following percentage of Votes with which the BJP got in the Rajasthan State Assembly Election-2023 :
A.) About 42 percent
B.) About 47 percent
C.) About 50 percent
D.) About 52 percent

Q.21) Which of the following Amendment of the Indian Constitution amended the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution to include Bodo, Santhali, Dogri, and Maithali as official languages :
A.) 107th
B.) 100th
C.) 92nd
D.) 87th

Q.22) Which of the following books is not matched correctly with its authors ?

Book Author
Neel DarpanDinabandhu Mitra
Rebels Against the RajPreeti Singh
The Village by the SeaAnita Desai
The Circle of ReasonAmitav Ghosh

Q.23) Which of the following is correct about the State of Haryana :
A.) Its geographical area is 1.4 percent of the geographical area of India.
B.) Its area under pulses increased 60 percent in 2020-21, as compared to 2017-18.
C.) The State has achieved 90 percent electrification.
D.) The Surajkund Craft Mela held in May every year.

Q.24) Identify the former Soviet Republic, where the ‘Rose Revolution’ was organized for a change of power from the following :
A.) Tajikistan
B.) Maldova
C.) Kazakhstan
D.) Georgia

Q.25) Identify from the following, which metal is most abundant in earth’s Crust ?
A.) Aluminium
B.) Iron
C.) Magnesium
D.) Calcium

Q.26) Which State Supreme Court of the USA in 2023 has made Donald Trump, ex-President, ineligible for seeking election ?
A.) New York
B.) Georgia
C.) Colorado
D.) Michigan

Q.27) Identify the Winner country in Japan Open Men’s Single Badminton-2022, from the following :
A.) Indonesia
B.) Japan
C.) South Korea
D.) Thailand

Q.28) Identify from the following, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women :
A.) September 25
B.) October 25
C.) December 23
D.) November 25

Q.29) Where are located the head-quarters of the U.N. Environment Programme ?
A.) Brisbane
B.) Washington
C.) Nairobi
D.) Paris

Q.30) Identify from among the following, the correct rank of USA Bank, Lehman Brothers, which collapsed in August 2008 for shortage of capital :
A.) Fourth Large Bank
B.) Seventh Large Bank
C.) Sixth Large Bank
D.) Second Large Bank

Q.31) ‘अनार’ मूलतः किस भाषा का शब्द है ?
A.) अरबी
B.) फारसी
C.) तुर्की
D.) पुर्तगाली

Q.32) निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा शब्द ‘अज’ शब्द का अर्थ नहीं है ?
A.) ब्रह्मा
B.) शिव
C.) बकरा
D.) अजवाइन

Q.33) “परहित सरिस धरम नहिं भाई।
परपीड़ा सम नहिं अधमाई ।।” – इन पंक्तियों में कौन-सा अलंकार है ?
A.) यमक
B.) उपमा
C.) उत्प्रेक्षा
D.) अन्योक्ति

Q.34) हर तरफ गंदगी फैली हुई है। – रेखांकित पद संज्ञा का भेद है –
A.) व्यक्तिवाचक
B.) जातिवाचक
C.) द्रव्यवाचक
D.) भाववाचक

Q.35) निम्नलिखित में से वह शब्द चुनिए जो उपसर्ग की भिन्नता के कारण अन्य सभी विकल्पों से भिन्न है –
A.) स्वयंवर
B.) स्वयंचालित
C.) स्वावलंबन
D.) स्वयंसेवक

Q.36) फलदार वृक्ष ही झुकते हैं। – रेखांकित शब्द विशेषण का भेद है –
A.) परिमाणवाचक
B.) गुणवाचक
C.) प्रविशेषण
D.) अनिश्चित परिमाणवाचक

Q.37) मैं उस वंशीधर का भक्त हूँ रेखांकित शब्द में प्रयुक्त समास का भेद है –
A.) बहुव्रीहि
B.) कर्मधारय
C.) तत्पुरुष
D.) द्विगु

Q.38) ‘सफल होना है तो कुछ काम करो। यों कागजी ………… ।’ रिक्त स्थान की पूर्ती उचित मुहावरे से कीजिये।
A.) नाव न बनाओ
B.) फूल न बनाओ
C.) घोड़े न दौड़ाओ
D.) पतंग न उड़ाओ

Q.39) “यह शिला-सा वक्ष ये चट्टान-सी मेरी भुजाएँ।” – इस काव्य-पंक्ति में उपमेय है –
A.) शिला
B.) वक्ष
C.) चट्टान
D.) मेरी

Q.40) इस महानगर के लोग बड़े गतिशील हैं। – इस वाक्य में प्रयुक्त ‘के’ परसर्ग कारक के किस भेद के अंतर्गत है ?
A.) कर्म
B.) संप्रदान
C.) संबंध
D.) करण

Q.41) Choose the right option to fill in the blank.
__________, they found some respite to watch a movie.
A.) When complete the day’s work
B.) Having completed the day’s work
C.) Having complete the days work
D.) On the day’s work complete

Q.42) Choose the correct sentence :
A.) They have been honoured for helping an elderly couple.
B.) They are been honouring for helping an elderly couple.
C.) They have been honouring for helping an elder couple.
D.) They are being honoured to help a older couple.

Q.43) Choose the correct indirect form of the following :
Moin said to his sister, “Could you explain the matter to me later!”
A.) Moin asked his sister if you could explain the matter to me later.
B.) Moin asked his sister if she could have explained the matter to him later.
C.) Moin told his sister could she explain the matter to him later.
D.) Moin told his sister to explain the matter to him later.

Q.44) Choose the correct passive voice of the following :
The treasurer is sending us the previous reports.
A.) The previous reports are sent to us by the treasurer.
B.) The previous reports are being sent to us by the treasurer.
C.) We are being sent to the previous reports by the treasurer.
D.) We have been sent the previous reports by the treasurer.

Q.45) Choose the correct option to fill in the blank.
The _______ of the second monarch was the best period.
A.) Sovereign
B.) rein
C.) reign
D.) ran

Q.46) Choose the correct option to complete the statement.
An unabashed person is one who _________ .
A.) is sensitive about criticism
B.) does not worry about any embarassment
C.) is a perfectionist
D.) is impartial

Q.47) Choose the option which can replace the underlined segment without changing the meaning.
Having made several unsuccessful efforts to fix the issue we decided to call it a day.
A.) to continue till we are successful
B.) that we would call someone to help us
C.) that the task was complete
D.) to stop that work for the rest of the day

Q.48) Arrange the given parts to make a meaningful sentence.
P. an exploration trip to
Q. a different side of the city which offered
R. Dhruv embarked on
S. Kanpur where he encountered
T. him a unique experience
Choose the correct sequence.

Q.49) Choose the correct option to fill in the blank.
Sudha is brilliant in Physics. If she works hard, she _________ the entrance examination.
A.) will get through
B.) get through
C.) would have got through
D.) got through

Q.50) Choose the option which indicates the antonym of the underlined word sentence.
I detest being called lazy.
A.) Abominate
B.) utilize
C.) admire
D.) contest

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