Here in this article HP Exam Adda have provided you 100 Most Important General Science questions for all competitive exams. General Knowledge is an important section of almost all the competitive exams. There will not be any competitive exam for govt. job in India where questions from general knowledge is not asked.
General Knowledge section is divided into various subsection and General Science is an important part of it. General Science is further subdivided into three subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Here we have compiled 100 Most repeated General Science Questions for competitive exams.
Go through these General Science Questions repeatedly so you can score better in your exam because in most exams questions get repeated.
100 Most repeated General Science Questions
Q1. Heat from the sun come on earth by:-
1. Conduction
2. Convection
3. Radiation
4. All the above
Q2. Rainbow is formed due to:-
1. Reflection
2. Refraction
3. Scattering
4. Dispersion
Q3. Density of Water is maximum at:-
1. 0 degree Celsius
2. 100 degree Celsius
3. 4 degree Celsius
4. None
Q4. A jet engine works on the principle of conservation of
1. Linear Momentum
2. Mass
3. Energy
4. Angular Momentum
Q5. Imperfection of eye Astigmatism is corrected by using
1. Concave lens
2. Cylindrical lens
3. Convex lens
4. None of the Above
Q6. An oil drop spread over water because
1. Oil is lighter than water
2. Oil is more viscous
3. Oil does not mix with water
4. Surface tension of oil is much smaller than that of water
Q7. In the Laser all the atoms emit the light wave of
1. Same frequency
2. Same amplitude
3. Same Phase
4. All of the above
Q8. Alternating Current is converted into Direct Current by a
1. Transformer
2. Dynamo
3. Oscillator
4. Rectifier
Q9. The force by which a body is attracted towards the center of earth is called
1. Gravitational Force
2. Mass
3. Momentum
4. Impulsive force
Q10. The Kinetic Energy of the body depends upon-
1. Mass, Gravity and Height
2. Its mass
3. Its velocity
4. Both mass and velocity
Q11. Boyle’s law states that
1. Volume is directly proportional to temperature
2. Pressure is inversely proportional to temperature
3. Pressure is directly proportion to temperature
4. Pressure is inversely proportional to volume
Q12. As the train approaches us, the frequency or shrillness of its whistle increases. The Phenomenon is explained by
1. Pascal’s Law
2. Doppler Effect
3. Charles’ Law
4. Archimedes Principle
Q13. The term acceleration means
1. Maximum speed of a Vehicle
2. Rate of change of time
3. Rate of change of velocity
4. Rate of change of distance
Q14. Minimum distance required to hear an echo
1. 25 meter
2. 14 meter
3. 17 meter
4. 21 meter
Q15. Which among the following is best conductor of electricity?
1. Copper
2. Aluminum
3. Silver
4. Iron
Q16. Tidal wave on sea is mainly due to
1. Rotation
2. Revolution
3. Gravitational effect of moon on earth
4. None of the above
Q17 What is the S.I Unit for Power of lens
1. Watt
2. Erg
3. Diopter
4. Farad
Q18. Least distance of distinct vision for human eye is
1. 20 cm
2. 15 cm
3. 25 cm
4. 28 cm
Q19. What is the boiling point in kelvin scale?
1. 273 K
2. 173 K
3. 373 K
4. 473 K
Q20. Pascal is S.I unit of
1. Pressure
2. Force
3. Power
4. Work
Q21. Radioactive elements emits
1. Ultraviolet rays
2. Radio waves
3. Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays
4. Micro Wave
Q22. Which of the following has the longest wavelength in electromagnetic spectrum ?
1. X-rays
2. Radio waves
3. Infrared
4. Gamma Rays
Q23. Upward force of a floating body is called
1. Anti gravitational force
2. Gravitational force
3. Jerk
4. Buoyancy
Q24. Raman effect is related to
1. Intensity of light
2. Wavelength
3. Scattering of light
4. Ionizing Power
Q25. Hydraulic break used in vehicle works on
1. Newton’s second law
2. Pascal’s law
3. Newton’s third law
4. Hooke’s law
Q26. The purest form of iron is
1. Cast Iron
2. Wrought Iron
3. Stainless steel
4. Pig Iron
Q27. The element with lowest ionization potential is
1. Cesium
2. Neon
3. Potassium
4. Helium
Q28. Which element is present in all acid?
1. Carbon
2. Oxygen
3. Hydrogen
4. Sulphur
Q29. pH factor is used to measure
1. Colour of liquid
2. Acidity of liquid
3. Density of liquid
4. Turbidity of liquid
Q30. Which of the following is called Philosopher’s wool?
1. Sulphur Dioxide
2. Magnesium Oxide
3. Zinc Oxide
4. Calcium Chloride
Q31. Which metal is extracted from seawater?
1. Potassium
2. Magnesium
3. Aluminum
4. Chromium
Q32. White phosphorus is always kept under
1. Benzene
2. Kerosene
3. Ether
4. Water
Q33. Dry ice is
1. Solid Ammonia
2. Solid Sulphur Dioxide
3. Dry Carbon Dioxide gas
4. Solid Carbon Dioxide
Q34. Which one the following is a widely used solid lubricant?
1. Graphite
2. Sodium
3. Lithium
4. Zinc
Q35. Which one of the following is a major constituent of petrol?
1. Butane
2. Octane
3. Methane
4. Hexane
Q36. What is the term AGMARK used for?
1. Grading various agricultural commodities
2. Grading battery toys
3. Grading Polyester textiles
4. Grading engine lubricants oils
Q37. Percentage of carbon in one molecule of carbon dioxide is approximately
1. 12.73%
2. 72.7%
3. 80%
4. 27.3%
Q38. The commonly used washing soda is
1. Sodium Bicarbonate
2. Sodium Carbonate
3. Sodium Carbonate
4. Magnesium Chloride
Q39. The sound wave in the audible range have frequencies in the range of
1. 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
2. 0.5 Hz to 5 Hz
3. 1 Hz to 10 Hz
4. 20,000 Hz to 40,000 Hz
Q40. Which one of the following is responsible for the Greenhouse effect?
1. Sulphur Dioxide
2. Carbon Mono-oxide
3. Hydrogen Sulphide
4. Carbon Dioxide
Q41. Which is the lightest element of periodic table?
1. Hydrogen
2. Helium
3. Sodium
4. Mercury
Q42. “Aqua Regia” is a mixture of
1. Hydrochloric acid and Nitric Acid
2. Sulphuric Acid and Hydrochloric Acid
3. Sulphuric Acid and Nitric Acid
4. None of these
Q43. Permanent Hardness of water is due to the presence of
1. Sulphates of calcium and magnesium
2. Sodium bicarbonate
3. Magnesium peroxide
4. None of these
Q44. Elements that show properties of both metals and non metals are called
1. Allotropes
2. Metalloids
3. Alloys
4. Colloids
Q45. Most ductile element among the following
1. Gold
2. Silver
3. Iron
4. Copper
Q46. Which of the following two metals are mixed with Iron in the manufacturing of Stainless steel?
1. Zinc, Chromium
2. Nickel, Chromium
3. Chromium, Iron
4. Nickel, Iron
Q47. Which of the following element is good conductor of heat but bad conductor of electricity?
1. Nickel
2. Manganese
3. Chromium
4. Mica
Q48. Hydrochloric acid is also known as
1. Muriatic acid
2. Picric acid
3. Uric acid
4. Nitric acid
Q49. Which element is known as ‘Quicksilver’?
1. Silver
2. Platinum
3. Mercury
4. Bismuth
Q50. Acid present in Vinegar
1. Oxalic acid
2. Maleic acid
3. Carbonic acid
4. Acetic acid
Q51. The percentage of oxygen by volume in the atmosphere is
1. 21%
2. 23%
3. 32%
4. 27%
Q52. Laughing gas is
1. Nitrous Oxide
2. Manganese Oxide
3. Nascent Hydrogen
4. Mercuric Oxide
Q53. How many groups are there in periodic table?
1. 16
2. 7
3. 18
4. 22
Q54. Heaviest naturally occurring element of the periodic table
1. Uranium
2. Promethium
3. Titanium
4. All the above
Q55. Which of the following is used for the manufacturing of fertilizers?
1. Fluorine
2. Potassium
3. Lead
4. Sulphur
Q56. The chemical name for “Milk of Magnesia”?
1. Sulphur Dioxide
2. Magnesium Hydroxide
3. Calcium Chloride
4. Sodium Bicarbonate
Q57. The most abundant inert gas in the atmosphere is
1. Helium
2. Neon
3. Argon
4. Xenon
Q58. Detergents used for cleaning clothes and utensils contain
1. Nitrates
2. Bicarbonates
3. Sulphonates
4. Bismuthates
Q59. Vulcanization of rubber is carried out by adding
1. Sulphur
2. Carbon
3. Oxygen
4. Phosphorus
Q60. Chemical name of bleaching powder is-
1. Calcium Chloride
2. Calcium hypochlorite
3. Calcium Chloro hypochlorite
4. Calcium bichloride
Q61. Who is known as “Father of Medicine”
1. Robert Koch
2. Hippocrates
3. Charles Darwin
4. Alexander Flemming
Q62. Largest internal organ of human body?
1. Kidney
2. Heart
3. Liver
4. Lungs
Q63. Xerophthalmia is caused by the deficiency of
1. Vitamin D
2. Vitamin B
3. Vitamin C
4. Vitamin A
Q64. Which gland is both exocrine and endocrine gland?
1. Pituitary
2. Thyroid
3. Adrenal
4. Pancreas
Q65. A person feel fatigued due to deposition of which acid in muscles?
1. Oxalic Acid
2. Lactic Acid
3. Acetic Acid
4. All of the above
Q66. Ultrafiltration unit of kidney is known as-
1. Ureter
2. Hilum
3. Renal Medulla
4. Nephron
Q67. Main Constituent of Hemoglobin?
1. Iron
2. Calcium
3. Potassium
4. Both 1 and 2
Q68. BCG vaccination (Bacillus Calmette Guerin) is injected to get immunity from which disease
1. Leprosy
2. Polio
3. Tuberculosis
4. Small Pox
Q69. Vitamin which is most readily manufactured in our body?
1. Vitamin K
2. Vitamin D
3. Vitamin C
4. Vitamin A
Q70. Litmus paper used in our laboratory are obtained from
1. Algae
2. Lichen
3. Fungus
4. Protozoa
Q71. Which gland in human body maintain body temperature?
1. Hypothalamus
2. Pituitary
3. Thyroid
4. Adrenal
Q72. Human cell have how many pairs chromosomes
1. 23
2. 46
3. 22
4. 44
Q73. Normal blood pressure of human is
1. 120/80 mm Hg
2. 110/70 mm Hg
3. 70/60 mm Hg
4. 60/80 mm Hg
Q74. Penicillin is extracted from
1. Yeast
2. Algae
3. Fungus
4. Lichen
Q75. Our bones and teeth are generally made of
1. Calcium Phosphate
2. Fluorapatite
3. Chlorapatite
4. Calcium
Q76. A clone is a colony of
1. Cell having different shapes
2. Cells having similar shapes
3. Cells having similar genetic constitution
4. Cells having different genetic constitution
Q77. Which among the following elements increases the absorption of water and calcium in plants?
1. Manganese
2. Boron
3. Copper
4. Zinc
Q78. What is the use of monocytes in our body?
1. Increase red blood cell
2. Help to absorb oxygen in blood
3. Destroy old and damaged cell
4. Increase Immunity
Q79. The enzyme present in the saliva of humans
1. Amylase
2. Trypsin
3. Renin
4. Pepsin
Q80. The first successfully cloned animal was
1. Monkey
2. Dog
3. Rabbit
4. Sheep
Q81. Goiter is caused by the deficiency of
1. Iodine
2. Iron
3. Calcium
4. Mica
Q82. Bowman’s Capsule is present in
1. Lungs
2. Brain
3. Intestine
4. Kidney
Q83. Which of the following Vitamin is water soluble?
1. Vitamin B
2. Vitamin D
3. Vitamin A
4. Vitamin K
Q84. Study of Blood is called
1. Hematology
2. Ornithology
3. Anthology
4. Hepatology
Q85. Which part of the cell is the “Power House” of cell?
1. Ribosome
2. Cytoplasm
3. Plasma membrane
4. Mitochondria
Q86. Mineral which help in absorbing oxygen in blood?
1. Iron
2. Calcium
3. Potassium
4. Zinc
Q87. Typhoid fever is caused by
1. Virus
2. Bacteria
3. Fungus
4. Protozoa
Q88. Which part of cinchona plant yields Quinine?
1. Root
2. Bark
3. Leafs
4. Stem
Q89. Which vitamin is considered to be a hormone?
1. Vitamin A
2. Vitamin K
3. Vitamin C
4. Vitamin D
Q90. What is the scientific name of Vitamin A?
1. Amino Acid
2. Retinol
3. Thymine
4. Cytosine
Q91. Osteomalacia is caused due to the deficiency of
1. Vitamin A
2. Vitamin B
3. Vitamin C
4. Vitamin D
Q92. Which of these is known as windpipe?
1. Oesophagus
2. Trachea
3. Larynx
4. None of these
Q93. The other name of W.B.C is
1. Platelets
2. Leucocytes
3. Thrombocytes
4. Lymphocytes
Q94. Internal Secretion of which acid helps in digestion?
1. Hydrochloric Acid
2. Lactic Acid
3. Fatty Acid
4. Amino Acid
Q95. What is the smallest and functional unit of nervous system?
1. Neurons
2. Axons
3. Spinal nerves
4. Sensory receptors
Q96. What is genome?
1. Number of cells in a tissue
2. DNA molecules in nucleus of a cell
3. Number of chromosomes in a cell of DNA
4. Complete set of nuclear DNA in an Organism
Q97. Which hormone is called emergency hormone?
1. Melatonin
2. Adrenalin
3. Oxytocin
4. Dopamine
Q98. Which is the sweetest sugar?
1. Sucrose
2. Lactose
3. Maltose
4. Fructose
Q99. Where are red blood corpuscles formed?
1. Liver
2. Bone marrow
3. Heart
4. Pancreas
Q100. Which test helps in diagnosis of cancer?
1. Biopsy
2. Autopsy
3. AST test
4. All the above
These are the most important general science question for all competitive exams. These question of general science have repeatedly asked in various state level and national level competitive exams for govt. jobs. Hope you liked this post. Feel free to share your opinion in the comment section down below. All the Best for your preparations.
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