In this article HP Exam Adda has provided you Previous Year Paper of HP Police Constable written exam. This HP Police Constable Question Paper was held on 27 March 2022. Although this paper of HP Police Constable Exam was cancelled due to alleged case of paper leak. But this will give you an idea about Previous Year HP Police Constable Question Paper.
As we always say previous year question papers plays an important role in preparation of competitive examination. If you go through previous year papers of HP Police Constable exam you will get an idea about important topics that are being repeatedly asked in HP Police Constable written exam.
Solve this paper of Previous Year HP Police Constable Question Paper on your own and then check answers or solutions. In other words try to solve this HP Police Constable Question Paper of 2022 as a Mock Test. This way you will know how well you are prepared for HP Police constable written exam.
HP Police Constable Question Paper :- 2022
Q.1) In a rhombus, if its diagonals are 19 cm and 13 cm, its area will be-
A.) 1/2 (19+13) cm2
B.) 1/2 (19 x 13) cm2
C.) 1/2 (19-13) cm2
D.) 244.5 cm2
Q.2) If the area of a circular garden is 15400 m2, then its perimeter is –
A.) 440 m
B.) 220 m
C.) 110 m
D.) 550 m
Q.3) 30% apples out of 450 are rotten. How many apples are in good condition ?
A.) 125
B.) 315
C.) 240
D.) 180
Q.4) Veena obtained an amount of Rs. 8376 as simple interest on a certain amount at 8% p.a. 6 years. What is the amount invested by Veena ?
A.) Rs. 16660
B.) Rs. 17180
C.) Rs. 17450
D.) Rs. 18110
Q.5) A students goes to school at the rate of 2.5 km/hr and reaches 6 min. late. If he travels at speed of 3 km/hr, he is 10 min. early. What is the distance to School ?
A.) 4 km
B.) 5 km
C.) 3.5 km
D.) 4.5 km
Q.6) Find value of x in :-
28.5 x 34 + 2320 ÷ 8 = (36)2 – x
A.) 51
B.) 47
C.) 43
D.) 37
Q.7) If HCF (a,b) = 15 and a x b = 1800 then LCM (a,b) is
A.) 3600
B.) 900
C.) 90
D.) 120
Q.8) 75% of 2 is equal to –
A.) 37.5
B.) 15
C.) 1.5
D.) 0.15
Q.9) BCG Vaccine is used to prevent –
A.) Measles
B.) Tuberculosis
C.) Diphtheria
D.) Leprosy
Q.10) Colours of light which deviate the least and most
A.) Red and Violet
B.) Red and Blue
C.) Violet and Blue
D.) Green and Red
Q.11) Omega-3 fatty acid is not found in –
A.) Fish oil
B.) Walnuts
C.) Flax seeds
D.) Lettuce
Q.12) Mirage can most likely be associated with which of the following phenomenon-
A.) Reflection
B.) Refraction
C.) Dispersion
D.) Diffraction
Q.13) Which of the following is a synthetic drug ?
A.) Charas
B.) Opium
C.) Heroin
D.) Hashish
Q.14) Which of the following is not a radioactive element ?
A.) Uranium
B.) Boron
C.) Radium
D.) Plutonium
Q.15) ______ oil is used in froth flotation process ?
A.) Coconut oil
B.) Olive oil
C.) Pine oil
D.) Kerosene
Q.16) Salmonella Typhi bacteria causes life threatening disease of –
A.) Tetanus
B.) Tuberculosis
C.) Trichinosis
D.) Typhoid
Q.17) If Everest is to Himalayas, then Mount Abu is to –
A.) Nilgiri
B.) Aravali
C.) Vindhyas
D.) None of these
Answer the following three questions after reading the passage below :
Eight boxes are placed one above the other. Only two boxes are placed between U & T. Only one box is placed between T & R. Only two boxes are placed between boxes R & V. Box V is placed below box R. Three boxes are placed between S & Q. Both S & Q boxes are placed above box T. Box W is placed below box V. No box is placed between box S & box P.
Q.18) How many boxes are placed between box T and box S ?
A.) None
B.) 1
C.) 3
D.) More than 3
Q.19) Which of the following box is placed at the bottom most position ?
A.) W
B.) U
C.) R
D.) None of these
Q.20) How many boxes are there between box W and box R ?
A.) None
B.) 1
C.) 2
D.) 3
Q.21) Which one of the following is different from the rest ?
A.) Barley
B.) Ground nut
C.) Mustard
D.) Peas
Q.22) In a code ‘TOGETHER’ is denoted by ‘RQEGRJCT’ then ‘FRIEND’ will be denoted as:-
Q.23) Ram’s position is thirteenth from upwards in a class of 53 students. What will be his position from downwards ?
A.) 42
B.) 43
C.) 41
D.) 40
Q.24) February 1, 2009 was Sunday. What day of the week was on March 1st, 2011 ?
A.) Wednesday
B.) Tuesday
C.) Friday
D.) Sunday
Q.25) If dog is called cat, cat is called lion, lion is called ox, ox is called cock, cock is called elephant and elephant is called donkey, then farmer ploughs with which animals ?
A.) dog
B.) lion
C.) donkey
D.) cock
Q.26) Ram is taller than Shyam but not as much as Rajan. Arjun is taller than Sohan who is shorter than Shyam. Who is the shortest ?
A.) Rajan
B.) Ram
C.) Arjun
D.) Sohan
Q.27) Shyam Lal goes 8 kms in the west from a certain point . Then he moves to his right and goes 8 kms. In the end he goes 25 kms in south east direction. How far is he from his starting point ?
A.) 10 kms
B.) 20 kms
C.) 15 kms
D.) None of these
Q.28) If ‘a’ means ‘+’, ‘b’ means ‘-‘, ‘c’ means ‘÷’ and ‘d’ means ‘x’ then 16a4b3c4d2 = ?
A.) 10
B.) 17
C.) 18.5
D.) 21/2
Fill in the blanks with Correct option.
Q.29) 200, 193, 179, 158, _______, 95
A.) 135
B.) 133
C.) 132
D.) 130
Q.30) 51, 49, 44, 42, 37, ____
A.) 35
B.) 34
C.) 33
D.) 32
Q.31) Find the odd one out
Ranjit Sagar Lake, Gobind Sagar Lake, Maharana Pratap Sagar, Prashar Lake
A.) Prashar Lake
B.) Gobind Sagar Lake
C.) Maharana Pratap Sagar
D.) Ranjit Sagar Lake
Q.32) If in a code ‘CAB’ is written as 312, ‘BIG’ is written as 297, the ‘FEED’ will be written in that code as –
A.) 6554
B.) 5444
C.) 6534
D.) 5464
Select the option which best expresses the sentence in Active/Passive voice.
Q.33) Somebody told me that there had been an explosion in the Mall.
A.) I was told by somebody about the explosion in the Mall.
B.) I was told about the explosion in the Mall.
C.) I was informed that there was an explosion in the Mall.
D.) I was told by somebody that there had been an explosion in the Mall.
Choose the correct option for sentence improvement if any.
Q.34) He has fallen out with the girl he wanted to marry.
A.) fallen off
B.) fallen in love
C.) fallen for
D.) no improvement
Q.35) It is the time the three years old is learning how to read and write.
A.) was learning
B.) has learning
C.) must learn
D.) no improvement
In each of questions given below, a sentence is given with three words in bold. Choose option which gives the correct sequence of those words to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct
Q.36) The H.P Ordinance not only conflict (A) guaranteed fundamental rights but also violates (B) with existing (C) personal laws.
Q.37) The Supreme Court has been asking states to reservation (A) quantifiable data to justify (B) their level of produce (C).
Q.38) Choose the correctly spelt word.
A.) Harasment
B.) Harrasmant
C.) Harassment
D.) Harresment
Q.39) Choose the correctly spelt word.
A.) Consensus
B.) Concensus
C.) Consencus
D.) Consansus
Choose the option having similar meaning to Capital word.
A.) Religious
B.) Sympathetic
C.) Afraid
D.) Faithful
A.) Restore
B.) Recharge
C.) Accelerate
D.) Exhaust
Choose the option correct for the sentence.
Q.42) A hater of knowledge and learning
A.) Bibliophile
B.) Philologist
C.) Misogynist
D.) Misologist
Choose the correct option for filling up the blanks.
Q.43) In _______ to picking up milk from the grocery store we also need to get some bread because my cousin ate all of it in past week.
A.) further
B.) addition
C.) aftermath
D.) besides
Select the most appropriate option to change the sentence from Direct Speech to Reported Speech and vice versa.
Q.44) ” I am going out tonight ” Luxmi said
A.) Luxmi said that she was going out tonight.
B.) Luxmi said that she was going out that night.
C.) Luxmi said she was going out that night.
B.) Luxmi said that she will be going out that night.
Q.45) The King ordered that they should celebrate their victory.
A.) The King said, “One should celebrate their victory”.
B.) The King said, “I order everyone to celebrate”.
C.) The King said, “We should celebrate our victory”.
D.) The King said, “We may celebrate”.
The given phrase in bold may or may not contain an error. The options following can replace the incorrect phrase. The correct phrase that is to be replaced will be your answer.
Q.46) Everything is funny as long as it “IS HAPPENING TOO” somebody else.
A.) has been happening for
B.) could have happened to
C.) was happening to
D.) is happening to
Choose the correct meaning of the idiom as underlined.
Q.47) Everyone likes her since she always remains in high spirits.
A.) talkative
B.) cheerful
C.) well dressed
D.) courteous
Q.48) He was a King who ruled his subjects with a high hand.
A.) oppressively
B.) kindly
C.) conveniently
D.) Sympathetically
Q.49) शुद्ध शब्द है :
A.) कंठ
B.) कण्ठ
C.) कन्ठ
D.) इनमे से कोई नहीं
Q.50) ‘व्याख्या’ का संधि-विच्छेद है :-
A.) व्या + आख्या
B.) वे + आख्या
C.) व्य + अख्या
D.) वि + आख्या
Q.51) ‘अवकाश’ का विलोम है :
A.) अपकर्ष
B.) अनवकाश
C.) अनुपस्थित
D.) छुट्टी
Q.52) इनमे से कौन सा शब्द संज्ञा है ?
A.) प्राथमिक
B.) प्रथम
C.) सुशोभित
D.) इनमे से कोई नहीं
Q.53) शुद्ध संधि चयन करें :-
A.) पर + यिक्षक
B.) परि + इक्षक
C.) परि + अक्षक
D.) परी + इक्षक
Q.54) निम्न में से भाववाचक संज्ञा कौन सी है ?
A.) मिठास
B.) मीठा
C.) मिठाई
D.) मिष्ठान
Q.55) “अधजल गगरी छलकत जाये ” मुहावरे / लोकोक्ति का क्या अर्थ है ?
A.) बड़े आदमी का दिखावा
B.) आधी पानी से भरी गागर
C.) छोटे आदमी का अधिक दिखावा
D.) गगरी का छलकना
Q.56) शुद्ध वर्तनी का चयन करें ?
A.) उतकंठित
B.) उत्कंठित
C.) उत्कंठीक
D.) उतकंठीत
Q.57) निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा शब्द ‘बिजली’ का पर्यायवाची नहीं है ?
A.) चपला
B.) चंचला
C.) तड़ित
D.) ज्योत्सना
Q.58) निम्नलिखित में से स्त्रीलिंग है ?
A.) माली
B.) खत्री
C.) चौधरी
D.) धनवती
Q.59) उत्थान का विपरीतार्थक शब्द क्या है ?
A.) पतन
B.) उपकर्ष
C.) ह्यस
D.) अपकर्ष
Q.60) ‘वह’ का बहुवचन क्या है ?
A.) वो
B.) वह सब
C.) वे
D.) उन
Q.61) ‘जिसका जनम पहले हुआ हो’ के लिए एक शब्द है :
A.) आग्रज
B.) अग्रज
C.) अग्रजा
D.) अरगजा
Q.62) शुद्ध शब्द है :
A.) आनुषंगिक
B.) अणूशंगिक
C.) अणुशंगिक
D.) आनुसंगिक
Q.63) सर्वथा भिन्न शब्द है :
A.) अकेला
B.) चुपचाप
C.) सुनसान
D.) एकाकी
Q.64) ‘जिस वस्तु को पाने की इच्छा की जाए’ के लिए एक शब्द है :
A.) अलौकिक
B.) अभीष्ट
C.) अनायास
D.) अनोखा
Q.65) Larji Hydroelectric Power Project is made on ______ river ?
A.) Parbati
B.) Baner
C.) Baspa
D.) Beas
Q.66) Which cultural festival is celebrated at Varanasi of the hills or Chhoti Kashi ?
A.) Maha Shivratri
B.) Losar
C.) Sazo
D.) Doongri
Q.67) As seen in recent news “E-Daakhil Portal’ is associated with which Sector ?
A.) Right to Education
B.) Consumer Complaints
C.) Life Certificate
D.) Income Tax
Q.68) ______ fraction of Rajya Sabha members retire after every two years ?
A.) 2/3
B.) 1/2
C.) 1/3
D.) 1/6
Q.69) Which among the following states of India has largest coal reserve ?
A.) Andhra Pradesh
B.) Jharkhand
C.) West Bengal
D.) Madhya Pradesh
Q.70) _______ soils are mostly confined to river basin and coastal plains of India ?
A.) Alluvial soils
B.) Black soils
C.) Laterite soils
D.) Red soils
Q.71) Which of the following groups of rivers originate from the Himachal mountains ?
A.) Beas, Ravi and Chenab
B.) Ravi, Chenab and Jhelum
C.) Sutlej, Beas and Ravi
D.) Sutlej, Ravi and Jhelum
Q.72) In which state do the Monsoon arrive first ?
A.) Assam
B.) Maharashtra
C.) Kerala
D.) Himachal Pradesh
Q.73) Jallian wala Bagh massacre took place on the festival day of-
A.) Deepawali
B.) Baisakhi
C.) Lohri
D.) Holi
Q.74) Which movement is known as August Movement / Kranti ?
A.) Non Cooperation Movement
B.) Khilafat Movement
C.) Swadeshi Movement
D.) Quit India Movement
Q.75) The Non Cooperation Movement was suspended in –
A.) 1922
B.) 1929
C.) 1921
D.) 1927
Q.76) The Pir Panjal range is located in which neighbouring state of Himachal Pradesh ?
A.) Haryana
B.) Punjab
C.) Jammu & Kashmir
D.) Uttarakhand
Q.77) What is the name of the highest mountain in India ?
A.) Kanchenjunga
B.) Nanda Devi
C.) Sri Kailash
D.) Jong Song Peak
Q.78) State animal of Himachal Pradesh is ?
A.) Tiger
B.) Lion
C.) Bison
D.) Snow Leopard
Q.79) Which is the biggest natural lake in Himachal Pradesh ?
A.) Renuka Lake
B.) Rewalsar Lake
C.) Khajjiar Lake
D.) Brighu Lake
Q.80) Shimla was declared as summer capital of British India in year ?
A.) 1858
B.) 1864
C.) 1869
D.) 1871
Solution of HP Police Constable Question Paper :- 2022
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